Congratulations to council’s graduates

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COMMUNITY: “But, I haven’t even turned on a bloody computer before!”

These were the words of Yass Valley Council worker John Willson a scant 12 months ago.

Yet in Memorial Hall on Wednesday afternoon John was presented with his Certificate IV in Civil Construction Supervision qualification.
John is one of nine council employees to successfully complete the tertiary qualification and can now apply it to the ‘real world’ of road maintenance and construction.
Yass Valley Council Director of Engineering Gary Chapman believes the last year of hard work by those receiving the award has now paid off.
“Completing the qualification has meant many hours, outside of work time, on construction and engineering theory and I’m sure all nine of the team are pleased to see their hard work come to fruition and receive their certificates.”
“Some of these guys have been with council for over 20 years and now hold a tertiary qualification officially recognising their skills and abilities in the area.”
“Some of the newer staff on the other hand will be able to implement the knowledge they have learned straight onto the job site,” Mr Chapman said.
The course was completed through Tafe NSW.
Computers are still not his favourite thing, but John now at least ‘knows his bloody way around one!’

PHOTO (contributed): Tafe trainer Ken Brewster, Adrian Sheldrick, John Willson, Michael Hardy Matt Broers, Former Director of Engineering Simon Cassidy, Peter Dowling, Christopher Rawlinson, and Simon Muscat

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