Goward promises $11.7m health boost for Yass

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HEALTH: Yass would be in line for a new ambulance station and Multi-Purpose Service (MPS) as part of an $11.7 million Liberal election sweetener announced by Goulburn MP Pru Goward and Health minister Jillian Skinner on Tuesday.

Mrs Skinner said if the Baird government is re-elected on March 28, it promises to invest $3.7 million for the station and $8 million to build a new MPS.
MPSs aim to integrate a range of health services, including acute care, subacute care such as respite and palliative care, emergency, allied health, oral health, primary health and community services.
“For 65 years, Yass ambulance station has been a home for local paramedics. It’s time for an upgrade and I’m pleased the Baird government will deliver it,” Mrs Skinner said.
“Planning and work on the new station will commence in the next term of the Baird Government. I have no doubt it will deliver great benefits for local paramedics and their patients.”
The funding is offered under the $20 billion Rebuilding NSW program. It is promised only upon the re-election of the Baird government, not just the re-election of Goulburn candidate Pru Goward.
“Planning for the new MPS at Yass will be complete by the end of the year, which will determine the type of services to be delivered by the facility,” Mrs Skinner said.

[quote_box_center]“Planning for the new MPS at Yass will be complete by the end of the year, which will determine the type of services to be delivered by the facility,”  – Jillian Skinner[/quote_box_center]
“The new Multi-Purpose Service for Yass will care for the community for decades to come.”
Ms Goward welcomed the announcement, saying it would attract new staff to Yass as well as deliver enhanced health care to rural and remote communities.
“The Baird government is committed to ensuring rural and regional communities have better access to health services closer to home.”
Member for Burrinjuck Katrina Hodgkinson said years of campaigning by clinicians and the community has paid off.
“For many years I have stood alongside clinicians and the community calling for enhanced health services in our region and I’m so pleased this commitment has been made.”
Rival Goulburn Labor candidate Ursula Stephens said that level of funding injection for Yass would be welcome, but people needed to be aware it was an election promise and not a funding commitment.
She would not be matching that kind of commitment as part of her campaign.
“I would welcome that kind of injection of funding into Yass Valley’s health services because they play a very significant role and we need an ambulance service with that level of capability along the Barton,” she told Scoop.
“But the fact is these announcements have been made after the writs have been issued, and I doubt they’ve budgeted for them yet.
“It’s an election promise rather than a funding commitment… These [announcements] are part of the election campaign and we will all have to put pressure on to have these promises kept after the election.
“But I can’t match that commitment and I wouldn’t want to mislead people.”

Editor / Publisher

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