Students join campaign for pedestrian safety

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COMMUNITY: Yass High School students will wear bright red and green ‘morph’ suits in Yass’s town centre to raise awareness about pedestrian safety this week.

Yass Valley Council’s new pedestrian safety campaign is in response to community concern following the death of pedestrian June Smith at a busy crossing on Comur Street last year. See Scoop’s story here.

On Wednesday and Thursday this week (29 & 30 July) Yass High School students, wearing bright red and green ‘morph’ suits, will appear in Yass’s town centre to raise awareness about pedestrian safety.

Council’s Road Safety Officer Melissa Weller said, “Having the students at the Comur/Meehan Street intersection in these bright suits, is specifically designed to draw people’s attention – to create a bit of a spectacle”.

Students will be out and about this Wednesday and Thursday.

“The campaign will advise pedestrians how to use the signalised crossing properly to ensure they know exactly what the red, green and flashing signals mean,” she said.

“At the same time we will be reminding motorists to be alert and aware of this high pedestrian area, to slow down and take extra care when turning.”

Council is also giving away pedestrian safety book marks on the street and distributing them via the Yass Library Service and local businesses. The bookmark offers safety tips for drivers and pedestrians.

Read a related Letter to the Editor from Wayne Stuart here.


Yass High School students will be promoting a pedestrian safety awareness campaign this week by “morphing” into green and red traffic crossing men. PHOTO: Supplied.

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